
CoCitations searches for lists of genes or proteins names that are cocited in PubMed reference

CoCitation searches for lists of genes or proteins names that are cocited in PubMed references. The names and synonyms of the genes and proteins of the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis are taken from the general databases SwissProt, GenBank, and from the dedicated database Subtiwiki.

The user first selects the gene or protein names to be searched. The cocitations may be then searched either within sentences or in the whole references, titles and abstracts. The biological meaning of the cocitation, e.g. interaction, binding, homology is automatically inferred by the CoCitation tool so that focused biological knowledge can be quickly derived by the user. The textual information can be integrated with experimental data through IGo, by simple click on the IGo icon or name.

CoCitation is a software developed by the INRA MIG laboratory. It is also accessible through the on-line portal IGo. It is based on the research of the MIG Bibliome team. It has been financially supported by the Quaero project.

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