RCALI is a R package that makes interface between CaliFloPP and R.
RCALI is a R package for CALculation of the Integrated flow of particles between polygons. It makes interface between CaliFloPP and R. CaliFloPP is a software that calculates flows of particles between pairs of polygons, when given a so-called individual dispersal function. The individual dispersal function describes the particle dispersion between pairs of points, and CaliFloPP deduces the total flows between pairs of polygons. Moreover, RCALI allows to take into account the angle of the current point with the horizontal, and so, to analyze anisotropic dispersal function.
Mots clés
Lien vers l'élément du SI MIA
http://genome.jouy.inra.fr/logiciels/RCALI/ Informations générales
Informations spécifiques
Langage(s) d'interface
N° de version courante
V1.1-1 Date de la version courante
OS supporté
Type de licence
Développement arrêté Auteur(s)
Bouvier Annie
Publication de référence
Informations complémentaires
RCali est aussi disponible sur le site du CRAN