VLE (Virtual Laboratory Environment) est une plate-forme de modélisation et de simulation de systèmes complexes. Il permet l'utilisation de différents formalismes pour la spécification de modèles et leurs simulations. VLE est basée sur la théorie de la modélisation et de la simulation initiée par B.P. Zeigler dans les années 70 et enrichie par une communauté internationale active.

VLE is a multi-modelling and simulation platform. It is a powerful modeller and a simulator supporting the use of different formalisms for the specification of models and implementing the corresponding solvers in a unified manner.

In addition to the classical use of one single formalism for modelling and simulation, VLE integrates, i.e. couples, heterogeneous formalisms in one coherent simulation model. VLE supports the new generation of inter- disciplinary simulation models…

VLE is a powerful modeller and a simulator supporting the use of different formalisms for the specification of models and implementing the corresponding solvers in a unified manner. VLE proposes a lot of formalisms called DEVS extensions: Difference equation, Differential equation for the resolution of differential equation systems with QSS, Euler, Runge Kutta methods, Finite State Automate, High level Petri net, CellDEVS, CellQSS and a Decision making system.

Based on the DEVS theory, we ensure the compatibility of models and DEVS extensions at formal and operational levels.

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Gauthier Quesnel
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